Friday, January 1, 2010

Decisions.. the year of decisions

This year has been nothing but filled out with decision and let me tell you right now, not all of them were easy, right, or good ones but they were decisions that i made. The year did not start off well. I was very very sick Peter was living in Florida I had to faced my first decision which i lost friendships over and emotionally lost it although physically i was ok. Than in April,  it was quitting my job to move to bfe so that Peter could be closer to his fathers business and start working there. Which did not go according to plan. The actual opposite when my back up plan became my only plan. Yes this was ok but not for long, people were not what they said they were and very mean. I didn't like this town nor the people, but i dealt. All at once it seems that things started to fall in place. During the summer I took CNA classes and it all took off from there. I got a job, left starbucks, we got our house, and I got into nursing school. There have been many times where I wanted to give up, go home, and start all over, but guess what I am still here trying to make it and get through it. I am hoping that next year will be amazing and I am hoping for more. We will see. <3.

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